So in preparation for the 3rd movie Eclipse (that came out today!) me and 4 other girl friends got together Monday night to watch New Moon together. We had all seen it together when it came out the first day in theaters last November, but it was fun to have another girls night and watch it again together, especially right before Eclipse.
But my friend Jannie and I were the only ones that were "hardcore" enough to go to the midnight showing! We both really wanted to go last year but didn't so that we could all go with our friends the next night, so we decided this time we'd go to the midnight show together! Plus, we figured we might as well go all out and go for the IMAX showing too!
So the two of us got together again yesterday so that we could make T-shirts for the movie too! I promise I'm not crazy, but it is fun to have someone else that's just as excited as I am about the movies. The only kicker though- we're on different teams! She's a loyal Team Edward and I can't resist but be on Team Jacob!
Yea so even though we didn't show up to get in line until 10:30 PM and they didn't let us in the theater until 11:15 we somehow managed the last 2 good seats before we would've had to sit in the front. So we lucked out!
I'll admit I was expecting a little bit more to be going on with the theater or there to be more crazy fans making noise. But either way, Jannie and I had a good time and we were happy just to watch the movie!
By the way... Did I mention go Team Jacob?!! :)And the movie was good! I liked it! I don't want to spoil it for anyone since most haven't seen it yet, but all I want to do is talk to everyone about it and analyze it! After seeing it though I still feel like I liked New Moon more. When I saw New Moon I was like jaw-dropped amazed! And it's not just because I'm a Jacob fan- I love the emotional up and down from Edward leaving her, to being with Jacob, to Jacob leaving her, to the race to get back with Edward, then feeling bad for Jacob- I love all that happens in that movie! And I think the music was better in New Moon too- I feel the music really brought emotion to that movie that this one slightly lacked.
So with Eclipse there was still that emotional struggle between Jacob and Edward that I loved and I feel it did follow the book pretty well. I think it brought out the best of the book for the movie and it helped to see things from others' perspectives besides Bella's. And it was funny too, it seems Jacob had all the funny lines and the audience really rooted for Jacob. Poor Jannie pointed out to me it seems no one roots for Edward anymore, which is a little silly since we all know he's the one that gets the girl! But I think they made the movie that way to make people really like Jacob and almost want to wonder- geez why doesn't Bella pick him?!
Anyways, so yes I did enjoy Eclipse! It is different, more scary and dark for sure, but I still think it was done well. Now the wait for Breaking Dawn is going to be extremely long but I can't wait to see how those two movies come out!
So whenever you see the movie or if you already have let me know what you thought of it!
1 comment:
What a GREAT post!!! I love it :)!!! I had SOOO Much fun with you and i think that people could argue that we're a little obessive/crazy. Anyways, I loved reading everything on your post! It was fun! But, I hold to my Edward. I never thought Geez, why doesn't she pick Jacob? :) Jacob is way too controlling and intense for me :)
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