Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Happy Birthday Jacob!

So I figured I'd do a separate quick post on what we did on Jacob's actual birthday even though he celebrated a lot beforehand.

After Jacob woke up he had a bath- see how much he loves to splash!

Then he got dressed in some new birthday clothes- I love this outfit because Luke has a shirt and shorts just like this! Someday I'll have to get a picture of them both wearing them, I just think it's cute how much Jacob can look like Luke sometimes!

hanging out with mom eating some cheerios

And I got lucky again that it was another beautiful day outside- another day in the 70s! So I took Jacob to the park again and I'm so glad that he's starting to play more. Last summer he didn't really get around and play much because he was too little to really do anything. And so lately anytime it's been nice out I've been trying to get him to play outside but he was terrified of the grass and unknown ground I guess. So I was starting to worry he was going to be a picky boy and not enjoy outdoors much but I think he's coming around!

He liked climbing up the playground all by himself!

And we went down the slides together- I'm not sure what he thought about those but he didnt cry!

And then he discovered the mulch- I thought it was so cute how he sat down and just played with it for a long time!

He's still a little hesitant about the swings, but hopefully he'll start to enjoy them a little more :)

Jacob with all his presents!

Luke and I were with him to open his presents that night- he got a lot of clothes, a small swimming pool for the backyard, a swim floatee, a toothbrush (finally!), and some books- he loved these bubble books!

me with the birthday boy!
Jacob with his dad
An hour or so after presents Luke picked up his dad from the airport- he just came in for one night, so Grandpa was able to hang with the birthday boy too!
And for the 3rd time Jacob got to have some cake- he handled it like a pro!

And 2 days later Jacob also got his first haircut- Luke did a good job! He desperately needed a cut but it feels strange to see him with short hair because now he looks younger to me!

here's his "after" picture

Jacob playing with his new books again

brushing his teeth with his new toothbrush! haha he actually just likes to bite it but I help him brush :)

And here's Jacob at the doctor for his one year checkup! He is now 18 pounds 1 ounce (3rd %) and 29 1/2 inches tall (50%). He's still my skinny little baby :)
So yes Jacob had a great first birthday, lots of fun little parties and got some nice new presents. Jacob has been such an easy and fun baby and I just feel so blessed! I love spending all my time playing with him and watching him do more and more every day! This past year has been amazing- I don't know how I'll ever be able to love another baby as much as I love my Jacob! :)

1 comment:

Shandra Mesch said...

CUTE KIDDO! Aren't you just having so much fun! WOW... Brayden is already 25 inches long and 13 lbs at 3 months. I think I am going to have a tall boy on my hands! LOL Hope you are doing well!