Thursday, February 23, 2012

February Recap

At the end of January I took the boys to Monkey Bizness to celebrate my friend's son's first birthday. I thought it was pretty cute that even though he's 5 months older than Blake they still looked pretty comparable in size. Even though both boys weren't too happy in this picture, I think Alex is such a cute little boy and Jacob had a great time playing on everything too!

I was also able to finally convince Jacob to go down the huge blowup slides (not like the one in this picture, they were really big and bouncy) and we did those a couple times all together and then he was brave enough to go by himself. His first time trying to go alone though he asked a random kid if he'd hold his hand going down. Haha I thought it was pretty funny, and the kid wouldn't do it, but I was glad that he was brave enough to then go by himself. And to get our money's worth I made Jacob try all the bouncy toys, and I'm glad I got him to try something new because then he had a great time jumping on all these fun toys!

February started with a big hit of snow, somewhere between 15 and 18 inches, so we went sledding again and Jacob loves to go all by himself now. I still think it's the cutest thing.
I even took Blake down on the sled a couple times too!When we are at home Jacob likes to play in the snow in the backyard and thinks it's hilarious to throw snowballs at Blake! Of course Blake is always sitting warm and safe on the inside of the door. And Blake loves to watch Jacob and wipes and hits at the door trying to touch every time Jacob throws another snowball, so it's a good game to keep them both happy. Then we went to a superbowl party and Luke insisted the whole family wear Redskins gear- so I got to finally make use of the Redskins shirt Luke got me for Christmas. Unfortunately no pictures of Luke and I, but the boys sure look cute.

In preparation for Valentine's Day Jacob helped me decorate hearts to put around the house and on the windows. It wasn't much but Jacob thought it was fun and was very proud of his hearts.
We also made some yummy heart shaped red velvet cupcakes for Valentine's Day too :)
Jacob has been sick with a cold for what feels like forever, but unfortunately the night before Valentine's Day he got really sick and threw up for the first time (and then another five times or so...) and had a fever for three straight days. Luckily he's doing better now and seems almost over it all but he was not doing great over the holiday. Poor guy... at least he had Blake to keep him company :)

The boys together on Valentine's Day

and a couple other cute pics of Blake that day...

I love how Blake always sticks his tongue out :)

And since Jacob was sick I didn't really take pictures of him this year, but I wanted to get some of Blake on his first Valentine's Day- so here's a cute little collage of Blake faces...
And a quick recap of the boys over the last month...
*Blake has now turned 8 months!
*He's going to be crawling any day now- he's already rocking on his knees and moving around in all directions, just not forward... definitely moving around though!
*Has been sleeping much better, longer and putting himself to sleep, sometimes barely crying at all! Oh and taking good naps again- he went on strike for about a week.
*Has a horrible habit of biting! Even when I'm just holding him he'll attack my arms or cheek, and he's fast- and sharp!
*Getting better at eating his babyfood and still working on trying to find table foods he likes. So far all he's really tried was a slice of my garlic bread that he stole from me one night at dinner and surprisingly ate the whole thing before I even noticed!
*Grunting, growling, and babbling much more, especially when we talk he'll "talk" with us. Favorite word is "da-da-da", or if Jacob is bothering him or shouting, Blake will growl back real loud- it's soo funny!
*Jacob has less than a month until his 3rd birthday- we're counting down! Still trying to decide if I should throw him a birthday party though...?
*He's gone through a couple stages of regression with potty training but I am hoping by his birthday we can commit full time!
*He's super helpful with Blake and always tries to make him feel better- like singing him a song when he's sad and plays with him to keep him happy. He's getting better about sharing too, but we're still working on it. But he really is a very sweet brother! Everything else is pretty much the same- he still loves playing with his cars and trains... He likes playing catch and basketball with mom and dad, and watching dad play basketball or coach his YM team. He likes running and playing outside and any opportunity to see friends or other kids. Jacob is also a good helper and likes helping me bake treats or other things, like this yummy homemade pizza Jacob helped Luke make.
And that's pretty much it for now!

1 comment:

Itty_Bitty_Wittes said...

Every time I see Blake in Primary, I just want to grab him from you and bite those cheeks! (In a loving way of course) He is such a cutie!

Jacob looks like such a fun guy! We need to have him over to play!