Jacob is also getting a lot better at smiling at people. It's actually kind of funny because recently when he'll smile really big he'll squinch his nose! And I do that too so I don't know if he's doing it to copy me or if that's just what he does now, but it's kind of funny when he does! But either way he's seeming to notice faces more now. He loves watching other kids, and especially other babies! My friend had her baby Gwen pretty much one month before Jacob was born. So we had these two together at a bridal shower last weekend and it was so fun watching them interact! Right away apparently they were holding hands, but I kind of missed it since her dad jokingly pulled Jacob's hand off- he said he's have to keep an eye on Jacob! But Jacob just smiled at Gwen, it was so funny though, just flirting with his eyes! He even stared at her sideways for a couple minutes, just drooling. We got a big kick out of all of it. You can see a little bit of it on this video:
Also, here's a couple pictures of Jacob in his Memorial Day outfit. I actually bought the shirt for the 4th of July but I figured it would work for Memorial Day too. And yes we were matching haha. He has a blue jacket just like mine too but I didn't get a picture with us both in it. We had a nice relaxing day since Luke was off, unfortunately it was rainy all day, but we still had a nice cookout at home that night.
Luckily today was gorgeous and Luke finished one of his CPA tests this morning so he had the rest of the day off! We had a great walk at the park and layed down in the grass for awhile just relaxing, it was wonderful! So Luke and I were excited to go celebrate him finishing another test tonight even though he won't find out his score for another month. Our friends were nice enough to offer to babysit Jacob so we went and enjoyed a great dinner at Ruby Tuesdays. It's the first time we've really left him with anyone besides family, but he did a great job! They didn't have to change him, feed him, he didn't even cry, but I guess he's still young enough he didn't really know what was going on but it still made me feel better that he did so well. We have a couple more nights coming up where he'll need to be watched so hopefully he'll still do just as well next time!