Friday, March 20, 2015

Jacob's 6th Birthday

Jacob turned 6! To celebrate his birthday in Kindergarten we brought in some doughnuts at the end of the school day. All the kids liked them and were very nice, but I think Jacob was still slightly embarrassed that Blake and I came in ha.
They all sang a fun Happy Birthday song to him, but he wouldn't wear his birthday crown so Blake did.
Since it was a Wednesday, Jacob still had vision therapy after school that day, but he always enjoys going because then he gets a break from doing the homework with me once a week! Afterwards, I treated them to McDonald's for lunch and let the boys play awhile.
That night we had spaghetti and corn on the cob at Jacob's request then had a little party for him at home.
 Jacob got a lot of fun presents- mostly Minecraft, Star Wars, and ninja turtle toys.
Jacob wanted a Minecraft birthday cake so I made one to look like a "creeper". Both the boys said the cake looked awesome, so I was glad it turned out and was really easy too!
It was a simple day but I think he had a great birthday was excited to finally be 6!
    Jacob has grown up so much in the past year! He definitely looks more grown up with his glasses, and his vision therapy, by the way, is really paying off. He's been working so hard and his doctors say they've never seen a kid with amblyopia make improvement as quickly as he has! He is very close to  seeing 20/20 with his glasses now and he's finally started developing some depth perception and working both eyes together. It takes a lot to work with him on it every day at home, but he's so good about coming to me to always get his assignments done. 
    And even though Kindergarten has been an adjustment and a lot more to learn, he's done great at working hard and I love that he takes responsibility for all he needs to do and is growing independent. He's doing a great job at reading and writing, though he enjoys science, math, and gym more. I love seeing how much he's grown this year!
    He enjoys playing with his friend Michael every day who lives across the street, and I think he's pretty lucky that he has a close friend to socialize with and get his energy out with every day. 
    Jacob is still my silly boy and his interests quickly change with whatever his friends like. His latest obsession obviously is Minecraft related games and toys, and he loves to get Nerf guns and pretend to shoot zombies. Such boys. 
    Jacob is also a great big brother, and even though him and Blake have their moments where they don't get along, I love that they will still play together and take interests in the same things. Jacob is really good at including Blake when playing with his friends and always tries to be nice to everyone. 
   Jacob is looking forward to having a baby sister to play with soon too. 

 What a great kid! We are so happy to have him in our family and look forward to him growing up even more this next year!

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