This little guy turned 3 on Friday, June 20!
On the week of Blake's birthday I wanted to do something fun with just the two boys and I got some discounted tickets to the science museum so I decided to take them on Wednesday. It was Blake's first time going and so I'm not sure if it was his idea of fun, but I think they had a pretty good time until they started to get tired- I think we lasted 3 hours.

The boys love the Kid Discovery area, and this was the first time we saw the newly constructed area of it. They loved all the water toys and had such cute little smocks.

We also got to see a planetarium movie and a 3D Imax- we saw the one on
panda bears. Blake liked playing with the glasses at first but then
wouldn't wear them during the movie and wanted to sit in my lap. It was a
little hard for him to sit quiet through the movie- I think the movie
was a little boring for them, oh well.

After our movie we went to the cafeteria to get some lunch. Me and Blake got some pizza and Jacob wanted salad and fruit- what a good boy!
Jacob also loves the space section and getting to dress like an astronaut. It was cute watching them play on the controls together and pretend they were flying a real spaceship.

We also had free passes to go see the Maya exhibit so we quickly walked through but the boys obviously didn't have much interest. So we went and saw the dinosaurs last. It was a fun day to get out with the boys!
Now more back to Blake's birthday! I tried to get some cute pictures of him on the morning of his birthday in the backyard.
I was able to get a couple really cute shots, and then a few where he kept pouting and acting so sad that I was taking his picture, but I thought those were still cute too!
Seriously, this kid... he can be adorably dramatic
But Blake was all smiles again later that afternoon when I took the boys to go swimming. We stayed for a few hours and had a fun time!
It was a beautiful evening so that night we ordered pizza and ate out on the back porch. There are not many foods that Blake will eat (at all!) but when it comes to pizza he'll eat as much as me!
After dinner we continued the party outside and he opened his presents in the back yard too.
Blake got lots of little gifts and was really excited about all his presents! Blake wanted a blue cake so I made a blue cake with fishy sprinkles.
It was a fun birthday for Blake! We can hardly believe he's 3 because he's still just our little baby. Though he and Jacob do play together a lot more, that can also make things difficult since they are always interested in the same things. Blake will also be starting preschool this fall so we are hoping to have him potty trained this summer, so we'll see how he adjusts with both. Blake has a bit of a stubborn personality and does what he wants when he wants, and is so darn cute he's gotten away with it for now. We'll see how much that changes in the next year, he suddenly seems to be growing so fast! We love our little Blakey!
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